Hayden Scott bio photo

About Me

Research Focus

I am interested in researching how the brain makes sense and interacts with the world around it. My work focuses heavily on the transformation of visual information through neural circuits, and combines techniques from electrophysiology and computational modelling. I work closely on problems relating to attention, working memory, and decision making.

Current Work

Feature multiplexing in V4 reflects natural image statistics.

I use a combination of electrophysiology and statistical techniques from machine learning to investigate high-dimensional feature tuning in visual area V4. The central conceit of this project supposes that the brain uses a latent coding model to efficiently represent information about the visual world.

Feature-based attention in the middle temporal (MT) area acts heterogenously across populations of diversly-tuned neurons

I’m using simultaneous recordings in MT and PFC to investigate how visual information in MT is altered through reciprical activity with PFC during active engagement. We posit that the prefrontal cortex acts to “optimize” stimulus processing for currrent behavioral goals.